Do you wish to organise a Feldenkrais Method Training Program?

If you are an experienced organiser and have an entrepreneurial flair, then consider the opportunities and experiences organising a Training Program could bring you.

AusTAB’s Guidelines and FAQs can steer you in the essential elements to gain accreditation of your Training, but Trainings are bespoke business endeavours which you develop with your Educational team.

AusTAB is responsible for accreditation of Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs (FPTP) in the Australasian region and the Board assesses all Training Program proposals to ensure that Trainings meet minimal requirements of the International Training and Accreditation Guidelines. These are agreed by all four TABs worldwide.

The Internationally agreed Training Guidelines specify many criteria including

  • educational competency outcomes
  • educational personnel
  • hours of study
  • minimum duration of training
  • ratio of students to staff
© International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive, Bob Knighton

How to start a Training

Eligibility criteria

To be accredited, a FPTP must comply with all aspects of the Internationally recognised Guidelines attached below. There are no specific criteria for personnel acting as an Administrator of a Professional Training Program and you do not need to be a graduated practitioner. Organiser FAQs – as part of Training Guidelines – have been compiled to guide you.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss with the Board their ideas for a training prior to commencing an application.

Application Process

AusTAB now accepts Training proposals for full Practitioner (FPTP) Trainings and ATM Teacher Training pilot projects. 

For both trainings, start your process by reviewing the Internationally agreed Training Guidelines thoroughly before writing your Training proposal. Please follow the Guidelines in completing or attaching all documents in the Training Application Toolkit. 

An Interactive Application form for Practitioner Trainings is available. The form allows you to save your application for up to 30 days as you gather your information, and complete it at a later date. Submit your Application to

If you are interested in applying to run an ATM Teacher Training Pilot Project, we refer you to the ATM Training Guidelines, and the NATAB Report on ATM Teacher Training Programs. To apply, please contact AusTAB in the first instance:

AusTAB has compiled a Training Support Toolkit which includes governance documents to support your Training once it has commenced. These are available for your viewing – please check with AusTAB for the latest versions once you have commenced your Training.